CAMLOG Summary 2007 – Ozkan Y. et al.

Ozkan Y, Ozcan M, Akoglu B, Ucankale M, Kulak-Ozkan Y. J Prosthet Dent. 2007 Feb;97(2):78-84. University of Marmara, Department of Oral Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey. Three-year treatment outcomes with three brands of implants placed in the posterior maxilla and mandible of partially edentulous patients. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Survival rates of implants in posterior regions vary among clinical studies. Pro- blems occur more often in the posterior segment of the maxilla due to proximity of the maxillary sinus and reduced quality or quantity of alveolar bone. PURPOSE: This clinical study evaluated the treat- ment outcomes of 3 brands of implants in the posterior maxillae and mandibles of 63 patients. Treatment outcomes of all implants were assessed according to implant type, location, patient gender, periodontal status, and prosthesis type. MATERIAL AND METHODS: " UPUBM PG JN - QMBOUT *5* *5* $BNMPH $". BOE 'SJBMJU '3* XFSF QMBDFE JO QBUJFOUT XPNFO NFO 0OF hundred twelve implants were located in the posterior NBOEJCMF BOE JO UIF QPTUFSJPS NBYJMMB "MM JNQMBOUT XFSF MPOHFS UIBO NN BOE IBE B EJBNFUFS MBSHFS UIBO NN *NQMBOUT JO UIF *5* HSPVQ XFSF QMBDFE JO B TUBHF TVSHFSZ 5IF $". BOE '3* HSPVQT XFSF USFB - UFE XJUI B TUBHF TVSHJDBM QSPUPDPM *NQMBOUT XFSF OPU loaded until osseointegration was complete, which was EFUFSNJOFE DMJOJDBMMZ BOE SBEJPHSBQIJDBMMZ "U UIBU QPJOU JNQMBOUT XFSF SFTUPSFE XJUI TJOHMF DSPXOT BOE åYFE QBSUJBM EFOUVSFT '1%T 8IJMF '1%T DPOOFD - UFE JNQMBOUT UP OBUVSBM UFFUI '1%T XFSF TVQQPSUFE by implants only. Standardized radiographs were made, and clinical parameters were recorded at prosthesis JOTFSUJPO CBTFMJOF BOE BU FBDI SFDBMM FWBMVBUJPO BOE NPOUIT 1MBRVF JOEFY 1* TVMDVT CMFFEJOH JOEFY 4#* QFSJ JNQMBOU QSPCJOH EFQUI 1% BOE SBEJPHSBQIJD NBSHJOBM CPOF MPTT .#- MFWFMT XFSF SFDPSEFE BU CBTFMJOF along with any biological and mechanical complications. 3FQFBUFE NFBTVSFT "/07" ,SVTLBM 8BMMJT UFTU 8JMDPYPO signed rank test, and paired samples tests were used for TUBUJTUJDBM BOBMZTJT BMQIB RESULTS: One implant was lost during the osseointe- gration period in 1 woman due to infection. The cu- NVMBUJWF JNQMBOU USFBUNFOU PVUDPNF XBT "U the 3-year recall, plaque accumulation was significant- MZ IJHIFS UIBO CBTFMJOF TDPSFT 1 8JMDPYPO TJH - OFE SBOL UFTU &JHIU QFSDFOU PG UIF QBUJFOUT QSFTFOUFE NN 1% BU ZFBS SFDBMM 5IF JOýVFODF PG PCTFSWB UJPO UJNF XBT GPVOE UP CF TJHOJåDBOU GPS UIF NFBO .#- WBMVFT CFUXFFO HSPVQT 1 8IFO .#- WBMV - es were compared between groups, no significant dif- GFSFODFT XFSF GPVOE 'PS QBUJFOU JO UIF '3* HSPVQ abutment loosening was observed and both the crown and the abutment were replaced. Patient satisfaction in all groups was high. CONCLUSION: The 3 brands of implants evaluated in this study exhibited similar positive treatment outcomes after 3 years. Nachname 7PSOBNF Straße, Hausnummer 0SU 1-; Telefon & NBJM 'BY BO CAMLOG Biotechnologies AG t Margarethenstrasse 38 $) #BTFM t 4XJU[FSMBOE t XXX DBNMPH DPN Bitte senden Sie mir die vollständige Studie zu. Bitte lassen Sie mir nähere Informationen zukommen. Bestellung Prospective clinical Study