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COVER STORY 4 6 TH INTERNATIONAL CAMLOG CONGRESS JUNE 9-11, 2016 IN KRAKOW The preparations for the sixth International CAMLOG Congress are in full swing. We have again managed to find a very attractive venue for the congress. After Lucerne and Valencia, we will meet up in Krakow, the former royal capital of Poland. The lively historic district is the perfect complement to the most modern con- ference building in Europe, the ICE. Tried and true and something new on Thursday On Thursday before the two days of the congress, we can offer you a number of attractive options. As was the case with recent congresses, on this day our tried and true, practical workshops are held and usually quickly booked out. Four full-day and two half-day workshops will cover current topics such as 3D planning, bone augmentation, sinus lift, and suture tech- niques in small groups, all presented by expert speakers with a focus on practical aspects. A Digital Dentistry Pre-congress will be held in parallel to the workshops. During this full-day event, top experts in den- tistry and dental technology will discuss the interdisciplinary workflow and reveal exciting prospects from across the entire range of digital options. We can strongly recommend that those interested have a look at the detailed program and book the day now. Tackling everyday challenges The scientific committee of the CAMLOG Foundation with its thirteen renowned ex- perts has prepared a varied program. Un- der the chairmanship of the two congress presidents Prof. Frank Schwarz and Prof. Piotr Majewski, some 50 international speakers, all renowned in their research, teaching, clinical, and practical fields, will present a representative cross-section of practical aspects of implant dentistry in routine use. At the same time, an eye will be cast over the background science. The Friday launches with a block with a completely practical focus. Issues related to “Basic principles in treatment planning, surgery, and prosthetics” will be examined in depth by three speakers before contin- uing on to the esthetic zone. “How do I manage the esthetic zone?” This ques- tion will be answered by three specialists in their field with presentations on soft tissue management, the correct choice of mate- rials, and the right timing. Lunch is followed by an exciting topic: “How do I handle the lateral area?” A pres- entation on clinical indications for short implants will certainly keep the audience enthralled as will the other two presenta- tions on long-term success rates and bone transplants. The conclusion to the first day on implant dentistry forms a block with an interac- tive team discussion. Successful teams will present their clinical concepts and the au- dience is welcome to ask questions at any time. Questions about digital workflows or the esthetically critical zone can be sent directly from iPads or iPhones to the speak- ers. And speaking of interaction … A high point to end on In recent years there have been significant advances made in 3D facial modeling to create special effects in the film industry. The technology has enormous potential for use in medicine. Our guest speaker Prof. Markus Gross will give us an over- view of 20 years of work on digital human faces. Markus Gross is Professor of Com- puter Sciences at the ETH Zurich, winner of numerous prestigious international awards, and is Director of Disney Research. His presentation “The virtual man” will no doubt enthrall the audience with its futur- istic images and technologies. We are re- ally excited about this highlight in Krakow.