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logo 17 • CAMLOG Partner Magazine • March 2018 COVER STORY 4 And last but not least, the Rotterdam Symposium, “The Future of the Art of Implant Dentistry”, organized by the Oral Reconstruction (OR) Foundation, is intended to help with this by showcasing the current status of theory and practice of this therapy, which is now a standard evidence-based treatment used in countless modern dental practices, and by emphasizing future prospects. The Future of the Art of Implant Dentistry In line with the mission statement of the OR Foundation, the Rotterdam Global Symposium aims to provide training and continuous education in the field of implant dentistry and related fields as well as to promote research projects and basic and applied research. The focus throughout is on academic exchange between universities, practitioners, and industry. The Foundation’s main purpose is to promote both clinical research as well as teaching for the benefit of patients, which constitutes the heart of all its activities. Supporting young talent is a further interest of the OR Foundation. The future prospects of the “Art of Implant Dentistry”, digital networks and workflows, prosthetic Erasmus von Rotterdam (1466–1536), a great European and pioneer of humanism, combined entertainment and philosophy in his socio-critical work “Morias enkomion seu laus stulticiae” (In Praise of Folly) in such a readable manner that this satirical essay remains highly relevant, even in the digital age. “Praise of Folly” unerringly conveys that folly is the true wisdom and imagined wisdom is the true folly. From here, it is not difficult to make the connection to the “Art of Implant Dentistry” and its ongoing viability, as one can well argue that continuous training and further education shows “imagined” wisdom the door while inviting “true” wisdom in. TOP EVENT AT THE ORAL RECONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION VISIT THE GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM FROM APRIL 26 TO 28, 2018, IN ROTTERDAM